Notes of the Annual General Meeting held on 3rd November 2014 at Bramcote Memorial Hall.
11 Members present. Apologies received from Norman and Clare Clyde-Watson, Viv Chamberlain and Eileen Fewkes.
In the absence of Norman, Sheila welcomed all to the meeting.
1. Matters arising from AGM 2013
- Donation of £280 received from the family and friends of Walter Grauberg had now been used to erect 4 information/welcome signs at entrances to the reserves. Broxtowe BC had assisted with the cost. Thanks were expressed to those that had undertaken the work.
- The Quarterly Newsletter had been well received and will continue.
The following reports were presented - copies are held by the Secretary:-
2. Chairman's Report
Sheila presented Norman's report. The main points are:-
- Markham Road site now well established and has enhanced the area. Thanks to all involved especially Chris Riley (Broxtowe BC) and Nick Wort (Notts CC) for undertaking the project.
- Local Cub group had been involved in a work session clearing the Thoresby Road steps.
- Poppy seeds were sown at the Markham Road entrance to commemorate The Fist World War.
- Members of the committee had contributed to the Broxtowe Wildlife Day held on 12th April. 4 Members attended the presentation.
- Green flag judging on 23rd June was successful for the 6th consecutive year. And award of a Runner-Up Certificate was made by the Greenwood Community Forest for our work in the ridge. Four members attended the presentation.
- Walter's 'bequest' - see previous note.
- Thanks to the Committee, Broxtowe BC, Steve Fisher, Chris Riley, Tim Crawford for their support, to Sandra Appleton for her IT assistance, to Geoff Fewkes for his continued support of the website without charge and to Enid Swetnam for organising the Summer Walks.
Finally, Norman expressed the on-going concern about membership numbers and participation in the work sessions on the ridge.
Please pass the word to anyone who may wish to join/help but does not know about us!
3. Treasurer's Report
Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year. A copy is on file.
The funds now stand at £632.08. In particular, income this year has included a Lucy Bridgwater donation for some Holly plants, the donation from Walter's family and john's gardening activities (which over the years now amounts to over £600 donated). Broxtowe BC has also paid £150 towards the Insurance Premium we have to pay each year.
The Treasurer's Report was approved, proposer Michael Chamberlain, seconder Alan Evans.
Note - Membership Subscriptions to remain at £5.00 per membership - now due (1st November). Monies are payable to Eric Curtis.
4. Working Group Report
John Appleton reported continuing work by volunteers to keep the Ridge tidy and fit for purpose. An Average of 10 members per work session, which is a little lower than previously. However John pointed out the number of extra hours supporting the activities of the Friends reached 114 along with numerous meetings, Council contact etc, so probably nearer 300 hours in total.
This highlights the urgent need to recruit new members, willing and able to spend a couple of hours, a few times a year, working with us.
5. Bird and Butterfly Surveys
50 species of bird recorded including Buzzard. The bird boxes were well used and will be cleaned and re-used. The Bird Box newsletter issued quarterly is now up to 69 issues.
John Appleton reported on the 14th year of recording butterflies. 18 species recorded this year but no Painted ladies. A rare visitor was a Wall Brown, seen in July, was a first for the Ridge. John thanks Jane and Sheila for their help with the recording. As usual, all results are collated and sent to the appropriate National Bodies
The reports were accepted, proposer Michael Chamberlain, seconder Alan Evans.
6. Quarterly Newsletters and Website
These have both been successful and John thanked Geoff Fewkes for his support of the latter and Chris Riley from Broxtowe BC for his continued help with matters on the ridge.
7. Committee
All 7 current Committee Members are willing to continue at present and as no other nominations were received, were re-elected unopposed. Proposer Michael Chamberlain, seconder Alan Evans.
- Alan proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee on behalf of the members.
- Date of the next AGM will be Monday 2nd November 2015
The Annual General Meeting closed at 8:15pm
Light refreshments were then enjoyed along with a Quiz
Photographs were also displayed of recent and past work done on the Ridge
The meeting closed at 8:54pm.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.