28 members were present, one of our best attendances.

Before the main business of the meeting, Norman Clyde-Watson gave out a few notices:

  • At the request of the contractors; work on surfacing the footpath, due to start that week, would now start on Monday 21st October.
  • Geoff. Fewkes would inform members of when the removal of excess material from the site would take place.
  • Three litter pickers were still available from the nine kindly donated by Broxtowe Borough Council. (These were later distributed to three members.)

Norman then introduced Derek Warren, who gave a splendid talk on the life and habits of the fox. It covered both rural and urban foxes, and was illustrated with delightful slides, many of them taken from the speaker's own area, Wysall. Derek stressed that the fox feeds mainly on small mammals, rodents and earthworms, not on lambs. It has very sharp hearing. In the wild, a fox has a life expectancy of about five years. It lives above ground, except when giving birth. One can find holes inhabited by foxes at one end and badgers at the other.

Members thanked Derek with much appreciative applause.

Notice is hereby given that the A.G.M.of the Friends of Bramcote Ridge will be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 4th November in the Rose Grower.


1. Reports on the past year (November 2001 -October 2002)

  • General - Walter Grauberg
  • The Monday Meetings - Norman Clyde-Watson
  • The Work Programme - Geoff. Fewkes
  • Income and expenditure - Eric Curtis

2. The second year of the butterfly survey - John Appleton

3. Next year’s subscription.
After long deliberation, the Committee recommends that, in order to get quality speakers and buy or hire useful equipment, the annual subscription should be raised to £4.

4. Election to the committee.
According to the Constitution, the committee has a maximum of 8 members with powers to coopt two further members. The present members are

  • Walter Grauberg (Chairman),
  • Norman Clyde-Watson (Vice-Chairman),
  • Sheila Hardy (Secretary),
  • Eric Curtis (Treasurer),
  • John Appleton,
  • Geoff. Fewkes,
  • Geoff. Ward
  • Dave Woodward.

Walter Grauberg wishes to stand down, causing one vacancy, which we hope will be filled before or at the meeting.

The other members are willing to continue, but any member may stand.

The Committee recommends that Norman Clyde-Watson be elected Chairman, with the distribution of the other roles decided by the new committee at its first meeting.

The one coopted member, Laurence Cooper, is standing down.

5. Any motion previously submitted in writing to the Secretary, Sheila Hardy

6. Any other business.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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