32 members were present, our highest attendance so far. Laurence Cooper sent his apologies.
David Godfrey, Chairman of the Notts. Badger Group, spoke about the badger. His wide-ranging talk, richly illustrated with slides, covered the life, habitat and activities of the European badger. Related to stoats, weasels and the pine martin, the badger is a very social animal. Primarily active at night and feeding on all kinds of food, it lives in large burrows or sets and uses tracks over generations. Its main predators are human beings, and it is particularly vulnerable to road deaths. The badger group works closely with landowners and local authorities to protect the badger's habitat and safety. David showed slides of members building badger tunnels and special doors. Answering questions, he said that the frequently expressed view that badgers carried T.B. was not supported by evidence. David was thanked by Walter for his most interesting talk and warmly applauded.
Other business
Geoff. said that the wood to build access steps on the steep path from Thoresby Road to the Ridge had now arrived, and he asked volunteers to stay behind and arrange times to do the work. (This has now been done!). He also reminded members of the session on Sunday 10 March to rake grass. He would soon be able to give details of a visit in April to another wildlife site.
During the evening Norman circulated a sheet to gather how many members would wish to take part in an. evening 'bat walk' with Dr. Wright, last month’s speaker. Over 20 members expressed interest. Norman will contact Dr. Wright about a date.
A Bramcote and Stapleford Group has been formed to organise a joint celebration of the Queen's Golden Jubilee on 3 June. This will take place in and around the walled garden in Bramcote Park. Among the activities planned is the planting of a tree with a commemorative plaque. Walter, who is a member of the group, had proposed that the tree should be provided by the Friends, and he asked for members' approval. This was given. He will liaise with Tim Crawford about the species and other details.
John held up a leaflet about otters prepared by Severn Trent Water. Copies are available from him.
Heather mentioned that members would be welcome to a meeting of the Wollaton Natural History Society on Wednesday 20 March, when Polyanna Pickering will give a talk entitled 'Eye of the Tiger'. It will be in the Wollaton Church Hall (opposite the Library) and start at 7.30. Tickets at £2.50 are available from Heather Cox, 48 Thoresby Rd., tel. 922 6842.
Please note that the next meeting will be on 8 April, because 1st is a Bank Holiday. There will be a discussion of ongoing activities, with no outside speakers.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.